“Montreal friends that are looking for quality bodywork but frustrated that your searches are ending up in $$$ spent but nowhere closer to you destination? Look no more!!! After searching the city far and wide, I found Zack and ughhhhhhh soooooo goooood! Run! (don't walk) to get an appointment with him. (but leave me a spot, will you ?)”

-Dawn Mauricio

“One of Zack’s biggest strengths as a massage therapist is his ability to listen. As any performer he listens with his body as much as his ears. He is very receptive to my needs as a client. He has an intellectual, sensitive, and anticipatory approach to finding solutions that will improve my condition.”

-Damian Siqueiros

“Zack’s technique, knowledge, kindness, and professionalism makes him an incredible massage therapist. His balance of intuition, experience and continued studies gives him a truly unique skill set and the post treatment feedback and stretching exercises he offers she’s he genuinely cares about our well being. He has helped my back issues tremendously. I can’t recommend him enough.”

-Florence Tang

“Zack always creates a serene environment. His extraordinary technique, intuition, and powerful energy combine to provide a healing that is incredibly profound. His extensive knowledge means he is able to do an in-depth assessment of the areas needing attention, and uses a variety of techniques to work on them. Zack will ease the pain and help you feel lighter in every sense of the word. He is a lovely, lively, warm person and I highly recommend him. He is always coming to the rescue!”

-Hannah Kate Galbraith

“Zack a une compréhension unique et exceptionnelle du corps humain. Son parcours professionnel en danse est sans contredit un atout incroyable dans sa pratique; on sent qu’il comprend la source même des douleurs musculaires. Il arrive autant à déloger les tensions en profondeur qu’à activer la circulation et le relâchement du fascia ce qui procure un apaisement extraordinaire et profond du système nerveux. Je ne me suis jamais sentie aussi bien après un traitement de massothérapie ! Je le recommande à tous, il a vraiment un don hors du commun ! Son immense générosité et son intelligence sensible font de lui un massothérapeute dont on ne veut plus se passer!!!”

-Mylène Mackay

“Zack is clearly one of the most sought out massage therapist for dancers in the city. His understanding of the body and of his client’s body due to his dance experience is a definite asset. He has strength in his touch and a gentleness in his character. Exactly what we need in a healer. Zack was a great listener towards what my body needed and was present with the intentions of a caring practitioner. He searched for solutions for the discomfort I was experiencing from the imbalance in my body and was able to advise me of exercises to do in order to help my recovery. My body feels reborn.”

-Miranda Chan

“For anyone looking for a massage therapist, I highly recommend my good friend Zack Tang. I just came out of an amazing session which mixed massage, cupping and supported + active stretches and a lymphatic flush to top it off. It has my back feeling replenished and liberated of excess tension. He is a real professional. Set up your appointment. YOU WON’T REGRET IT!”

-Alexandre Morin